Thursday, March 08, 2007

God made man, and then he said 'I can do better than that' and made women. Happy Women's Day!

this is what I received in my scrap carried away and posted in some of my gal friends' scrap books...
then it struck me is it really true?!!!
I who never believe in can I do this??
I dont believe that either of man/woman is superior ..they are just different..
I who believe in equality for alll?!!!!!!how can I do this?

I felt really bad after this realisation....but than i thot may be it can be taken just for thats just an escape route am thinking off...coz if someone cracks a generalised joke on women, I dont appreciate then I shudnt be doing this too...
I am really sorry for having made such a statement...

1 comment:

  1. I don't believe in it either! Take it easy..same as guys take after cracking some stupid jokes on girls.
